Social Recruiting

Rethinking HR work: using the methods and possibilities of social networks.

Three hours. That’s the average time, John and Jane Doe spend on social networks. Facebook, Instagram, YouTube & Co. are literally attention magnets but also essential for modern HR work.
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Social media ads
In order to present an offering for potential applicants, we first need to pique their interest. Double-take worthy design and clever wording make sure that our ads don’t go unnoticed. And since smart ad management is also essential in the search for candidates on Facebook, LinkedIn, XING, or Instagram we have you covered here as well: target groups, budgets, timing …
Recruitment funnel
To further filter potential applicants in our target audience from the get-go, we use funnels. Involving them, they make for unabated attention and let us identify suitable candidates who then apply to you.
At the same time, the application process becomes child's play for those looking for a job, as the brevity and simplicity inherent to the funnel concept does away with any threshold that would hinder someone from applying. In addition, the application process becomes more entertaining than ever by way of interaction and gamification elements.
At the end, candidates leave their details and can easily be contacted by the HR department – a method that is also ideal for generating leads for sales!

Fancy trainees, QR beginners and full professionals? Together we'll make sure your jobs resonate with your ideal candidates …

Advice for your website?

Use our free UX analysis!
our process
With all creativity: experience shows that agile processes form the optimal basis for a solid way of working. TNA follows its proven system. We use it flexibly to find the perfect balance between necessary standards and liberating individualism. To achieve this, we rely on agile methods, Scrum, Sprints, collaboration tools and software – and hereby achieve goals together.
01 Briefing
Business before pleasure! And first of all that is to understand our customers: their requirements, their expectations, their hopes, their experiences, their points of view. This basis is mandatory for the success of the project.
02 Strategy
From pole position to being the first one at the finish line: with the right strategy, this is easy. Together with you, we develop strategies that make your goals almost self-fulfilling.
03 Concept
Sports, evening gala, everyday life, work, rain or sunshine: if the strategy portrays the body, the concept represents the appropriate clothing. Individual concepts turn you into the best version of you!
04 Test
Anyone who has worked with us at least once knows that TNA ideas are both remarkable and powerful. Together, we will find out if a bold concept works, through testing and adaptation – via A/B from A to Z.
05 Delivery
Spiderman, Thor & Captain America were yesterday: It’s time for a new superhero by your side – tna! We are real delivery heroes and are guaranteed to deliver the best ideas and implementations!
Sounds good?
Let’s create something remarkable together then!

Other things we're really good at!

Inbound Marketing
Turn leads into jobs: Sales Automation complements your sales with funnels that are perfectly tailored to your success.
Employer Branding
The race for the best talent is in full swing. With an integrally managed employer brand, we bring them to the pole position.
turn panic into magic
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