Brand relaunch, trade fair design



01 Customer
Hobum Oleochemicals GmbH
02 Services
Brand relaunch, trade fair design

Hobum holds a special position in the chemical industry: the medium-sized company is family-run, its chemical products come from sustainable sources and Hobum places great emphasis on tradition. Hamburg-based, the company shares the market with large, global chemical concerns. The sustainability of the unsaturated oils and their fatty acids, on which all of their products are based, however, is an absolutely unique and contrastive selling point. Another USP is that Hobum does not consider sustainability a fad. Much rather it is a deeply engrained philosophy in the production of the Hanseatic company.

To defend this USP in the niche against the giants, Hobum commissioned us with a brand relaunch. Based on the claim "HOBUM.Natural.Innovative." we found out what distinguishes the brand in a workshop—its values, its promises, its positioning, its target groups, its appearance, and its design.

The first adaptation of the new brand surfaced at the "European Coatings Show 2023" [https://www.european-coatings-show.com/de/] trade show: HOBUM presented itself in its new positioning and a visually clear image derived from it. It stresses the unique use of natural raw materials while still doing justice to the highly modern processes it requires.

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