Jagenberg Group

Employer Branding



01 Customer
Jagenberg Group
02 Services
Employer Branding

Finding young talents: one of the biggest challenges for companies all over. Because no matter how attractive many small companies actually are, outside the immediate corporate bubble, it's the big global players that tend to score more points with job seekers.

That's why the international Jagenberg Group has launched an employer branding campaign with tna. It shows what it is made of and what it has to offer. The campaign illustrates the great future prospect the group of companies offers to professionals as well as graduates and those already in college.

But before we turn to design, strategic positioning paves the way. We tailored it to the different cohorts of the target groups, Gen X, Y and Z. To this end, we used several workshops with our client to draft an employer value proposition. In conjunction with overarching guiding themes, this laid the foundation for our campaign idea and its motto "Unbox the future with us." Side by side with the accompanying hashtag "#dubistzukunft," we portray a diverse, modern employer which opens up career opportunities at a wide variety of locations and in a wide variety of professions.

In addition to the print and communication material used at job fairs as well as on social media, the campaign has its own landing page within the Jagenberg the website landscape. And the lively, active participation of employees who were involved in it from Day 1, proves that the Jagenberg Group is not standing on lost ground, but has a great future ... and offers it!

Learn more about the possibilities of employer branding in a personal conversation - talk, write, text, or simply call us!

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