Lead generation



01 Customer
02 Services
Branding, content marketing campaign, lead generation, Google Analytics, social media ads, mailing

FARBE LICHT RAUM wanted to acquire new projects—through the use of our expertise. With our lead generation strategy, we target doctors' offices, pharmacies, stores, offices, canteens and much more. Their spaces can benefit from clever design concepts in terms of functionality, design, and atmosphere, turning workplaces and functional rooms into living spaces.
As a first step, we are targeting gynecological practices and companies that practice New Work, in particular.
For our content marketing concept, we tell the story of the company's evolution from craftsmanship and design and align ourselves perfectly with the target group.
The new claim "We give your practice space." (Wir geben Ihrer Praxis Raum) accompanies the activities and complements our visuals which ensure the necessary attention.
Part of the concept is a conversion plan that motivates leads to participate in our campaign: with extra content, discounts, gifts, or trade fair invitations as effective incentives.

Mission accomplished—customers won!
We turned our thorough strategic and creative groundwork into social media ads and funnels. Primarily using Meta, i.e. Facebook and Instagram, we addressed medical professionals looking to renovate or remodel their practices. The campaign was so successful that FLR was able to win new projects within the first few weeks of the project.

How do we know this? Tracking with the help of Google Analytics as well as Meta Pixel and the setup of Meta Ads are fundamental parts of our digital and social media conversion strategies. This allows us to measure the success of the campaign, make agile adjustments and continuously optimize both the content and the target group.

By continually adapting our displayed ads based on Key Performance Indicators (KPI analysis and evaluation), we are able to optimize the campaign time and again and facilitate an improving connection to our target groups.

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