Jagenberg Group

LinkedIn content marketing



01 Customer
Jagenberg Group
02 Services
Social Media , Concept , Photography, Movies, Editorial

LinkedIn content marketing
Social media are beyond indispensable for modern communication: whether in your private life or as a platform for establishing contacts in business, in the search for employees or as a corporate communication tool to keep in touch with stakeholders and the public. Of course, international Jagenberg Group and its companies are taking advantage of this.

In order to position the Group professionally in social media and provide target groups with on point information, tna manages the channels of the Jagenberg Group and its companies Kampf, Atlas, Kampf LSF, Lebbing, Lauer, Jagenberg Converting Solutions, Kusters Calico, Jagenberg Digital Solutions, and Jagenberg Paper.

The b2b platform LinkedIn functions as the central business channel for all Jagenberg Group companies.

To this end, tna generates content, creates images as well as videos, has editors attend trade fairs and events, plans and manages timely posting, and takes care of the community management—always focusing on keeping potential partners, employees, and customers up to date.

To ensure regularity, we created recurring sections that are supplemented by current topic postings.

Linking, mutual sharing, and bundling of content work as a foundation for the channels. By way of this, we are able to make visible the common strength of the diversified group and use it at the same time. Because the corporate channels speak with one voice, they complement each other and reinforce each other in the resonance space of the social medium.

As a result, not only the reach of our posts increases, but also the number of their subscribers. The motivation of companies to use the platform grows as well, as does the number of colleagues who participate. Social media are fun!

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