Having someone manage your property requires a good deal of trust: The homepage of real estate management company Wohnungsverwaltung Flasnöcker (WvF) at www.w-v-f.de welcomes visitors with this commitment to honesty and dedication. This principle also guided the proprietor and his team when time came to relaunch their website. The trust that their clients invest is met with technical, visual, as well as social competence—from project management to the integration of a proprietor portal which makes properties and the affiliated processes visible at a click. With the help of this portal Sven Flasnöcker and his team create the transparency necessary for a trusted working together.
While the content management system Webflow makes for the technical basis, comprehensive preparations informed our content structure and design.
Subsequent to an initial stock taking, we approached all necessary parts for the realization:
Design incl. colors and font types
Visual language and iconography deducted from the logo
UX and UI design
Photography incl. photo shooting
Content focusing and positioning of the brand (UPS)
The result of our cooperation is not only a site to see, but also to be used! It is, of course, laid out responsible for the use on mobile devices and present the real estate manager as we’ve come to know them: congenial, friendly, accessible, and before all use- and user-oriented. Having integrated a proprietor portal, the website lets customer gain access to true added value bearing proof of the customer orientation Sven Flasnöcker and his team stand for.