Jagenberg Gruppe




01 Customer
Jagenberg Group
02 Services

12 individual companies. One umbrella brand. Markets: Europe, Asia, North America. That was the challenge, Jagenberg Group was facing, a diversified family of companies whose focus rests on the processing and finishing of web-shaped materials (check out their website if you want to know more.

Since the rebranding involved all companies of the group, we had to create a brand space, for everyone. And figure in the space for all companies yet to join the group. In order to accomplish that we kept on the brand positioning and logo, created declinations for the group members which gave them all they need to be individual while at the same time clearly making them part of the group. Furthermore we concocted a pictorial language which accompanies all companies on a brand level and acts as a bracket. Then we went on to define colors that delineate the business areas "Machinery & Plants", "Automation & Drives", as well as "Digital" clearly. Finally, we came up with variations of the group claim "Create.Future.Together." for each company.

Today, Jagenberg Group represents technological leadership in processing web-shaped materials more than ever. The rebranding is present throughout the world on fairs, websites, in marketing collateral and on social media and represents Jagenberg as a strong group of individual entities who offer holistic solutions together:

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