Kosmetikstudio Gutersohn




01 Customer
Kosmetikstudio Gutersohn
02 Services
Illustration, Design, Text, Hosting, Programmierung, Corporate Design

Website with calendar and booking function
Big opportunities for small businesses: As a start-up, medium-sized cosmetics studio Gutersohn (www.kosmetikstudio-gutersohn.de) first of all needed the communication basics. They used our start-up-big-performance-small-price package to that effect😉.

Initially, this included drafting a corporate design: logo, color scheme, imagery, and typography, which from now on visually carry all communication and are used in stationery, company sign, flyers, displays, online ads, social media, etc.

This professional look is also reflected on the website.

In addition to all kinds of marketing materials, the easy-to-maintain website based on Wordpress constitutes a must-have for the cosmetics studio. In addition to the comprehensive presentation of their offering, current price information and appealing imagery, it lays its emphasis on getting in  touch easily. For this purpose, we incorporated an appointment booking module. Synchronizing it with the employees' calendars, the module lets customers simply booking appointments online—service all the way.

And at the studio, the new corporate design also pays off in terms of the look and feel: a coherent image in a pleasant atmosphere makes going to the beautician a holistic experience.

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