KölnSPD Stadtratsfraktion

Social Media



01 Customer
02 Services
Social Media

In Germany we say that after an election is prior to the next election ...
And with the Northrhine-Westfalian state election looming in 2022, KölnSPD wanted to strengthen its social media presentations on Facebook and Instagram. For that reason, the city council faction's account was supposed to appear in a recognizable look and remarkable content.

In order to inform voters about its ideas for the future of Cologne and about current political work, and entertain them at the same time, there was only one way to go forward: plan strategically and work with a daily focus. Hence, we combined forward-thinking editorial planning with the leeway necessary to enter current topics in the KölnSPD's channels. After that, we created images, videos, and written content, and posted it asap.

* SPD = the Social Democrativ Party of Germany

In doing so, we did not only learn about the state of affairs in our hometown of Cologne. But we also helped the "comrades"** make politics more transparent, increase the number of followers and strengthen the social media presences.

Do you want to win an election — or just strategic-creatively stoke your social media? Then write to us – we are looking forward to you message!

** in German: "Genossen"; this is how the Social democrats address each other

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