
B2B social media campaign



01 Customer
Surtec Deutschland
02 Services
B2B social media campaign

Surtec is a manufacturer of specialty chemicals for a wide range of applications. Its tradition goes back a long time, but tradition is a troublemaker in the face of generational change. For the young engineers in the automotive, mobile phone and aviation industries, Surtec’s anti-corrosion coating Surtec 650 is not a top-of-mind product—unlike for engineers who have been in the industry for a while. Together with Surtec, tna took on the challenge to change that. One way to accomplish that was attention-grabbing communication on LinkedIn!

A picture is worth a thousand words: The aim of the LinkedIn communication was to attract the attention of decision-makers in the fields of electromobility, 5G mobile communications as well as aerospace. Because once we have their attention, Surtec 650's quality and product features will speak for themselves.

To this end, we developed three different key visuals: one focused on electro mobility, one on 5G mobile radio, and one that aims at both target groups and, in addition, aerospace engineers; the latter also as an animation.

In conjunction with the campaign logo, our visuals stand out from the bulk of posts in the LinkedIn business looks—and are able to pique interest at first, second and third glance.

While Surtec wanted to retain the posting and targeting of content on LinkedIn inhouse—after all, this is our daily bread—, the further usage of our images speaks volumes: The B2B social media campaign was not only successful on LinkedIn, our images also became a staple in Surtec’s sales communication.

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