Henkel dx

Corporate Communications



01 Customer
Henkel dx
02 Services
Marketing Support

Henkel dx was looking for a creative partner able to deliver print, digital, conceptional, surprising, quick, and with abundant choice of ideas. And that is exactly how we service them: spontaneous, creative, outside the box, in moving and still images, presentations, style guides, websites, and much more.

Henkel dx is the digital unit of the Düsseldorf-based concern active in the business units Laundry & Home Care, Beauty Care and Adhesive Technologies. dx researches the future opportunities of digital transformation. It creates perspectives and prepares the traditional company for the markets and customers of tomorrow. It does so through cooperations, through its start-up spirit, and acting agile, in Düsseldorf and Berlin.

Since the unit's inception in 2020, THE NEW ATLANTIC has been offering support and guidance in many ways in the internal communication primarily:

  • Videos
  • Copy
  • HR communication
  • Research
  • Powerpoint / Keynote
  • Illustrations
  • Website design
  • Give-aways
  • and much more
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