Jagenberg AG

Sustainability report



01 Customer
Jagenberg AG
02 Services
Concept, Design, Illustration, Copy, Photography, Web design, Film

You deliver the content—tna takes care of the form and the communication: With the conceptual framework "Caring for the Future" and individual derivations for the core topics "Climate", "Society", "Resources" and "Corporate Governance" tna conceived a textual and visual reference for the first sustainability report of the Jagenberg Group. It also found its way into photographic adaption that underscores the Group’s diversity.

But the report itself, with all its detail and after recurring editing and proofreading, only triggered for associated tasks: Website, online PDF, announcements by mail, newsletter and on postcards, as well as bookmarks and an elaborate video clip with the group’s CEO and Sustainability Manager rounded off the report and ensured perception within the company and beyond.

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