Jagenberg Converting Solutions

Who is who Box



01 Customer
Jagenberg Converting Solutions
02 Services
Illustration, Design, Copy

Meet you co-worker taken “out of the box”
"All business is people's business": This universal premise motivated Jagenberg Converting Solutions to take connecting their employees at various locations throughout Germany to the next level—and extend it to other colleagues of Jagenberg Group and their customers as well. To do this, tna had to come up with a simple tool. No easier than that—because we like to think "out of the box" (and by that we don't just mean our solutions are "plug & play").

For the Who's-who at Jagenberg, we started with collecting data: We set up a questionnaire that gathered ten creative and interesting answers. We combined these with a photo and arranged them into a Who-is-Who fan. Voilá: A different way of getting to know each other!

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