Generating leads with Sales Funnels



01 Customer
02 Services
Concept, Illustration, Design, Copy, Programming, Keyword Creation, Meta Campaign Set-up, Google Ads, SEO, SEA

Nursing care products up to EUR 40 for free: SIGUBOX’s promise unfortunately is no USP.
But that makes it all the more important to become visible for potential customers on social media channels like Facebook and Instagram. We, therefore, resort to social media ads and Sales Funnels to connect to the baby boomer generation whose kindred are starting to need nursing care.

As part of the campaign, we first identified the suitable keywords, implemented gGoogle tag manager and the Meta pixel in order to make our campaign goals quantifiable.
After that, we set up the campaign and defined the audience to be targeted based on demographic criteria.

Meaning social media ads on the Meta channels guide users into the so-called sales funnels which emphasize the advantages of the SIGUBOX. Options to order it or get in touch with our customers are at the center of the funnels and gratuitous giveaways function as a further incentive.
By continually adapting the ads based on Key Performance Indicators (KPI analysis and evaluation) we are able to optimize the campaign as we go along and thus generate lead by lead, subscriber by subscriber ...

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